Jacek Dudzik - Prezes Zarządu Infinite IT Solutions


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Infinite Ltd. company has a new owner

The Infinite company started activity in 2002, providing electronic data exchange services for the B2B sector.

Currently, the company is a leader of Paperless solutions in the country and on many foreign markets, including in Hungary, Romania and the United Arab Emirates supports over 3.000 companies.

Since August 7, Infinite has been part of the Polish DialCom24 Group. z o. o., which specialize in the development and provision of a wide range of financial and payment services for business and individual clients. The change of owner is an opportunity to further strengthen Infinite's position as an expert and leader in Paperless solutions.

For many years, Infinite has been providing IT systems by implementing innovative projects for the most demanding clients from many industries, including telecommunications, financial, FMCG, the Company is also a National Broker of Electronic Invoicing Platform. To maintain a high pace of development, we were looking for an investor who will actively support Infinite in the adopted strategy, I am pleased that we succeeded - says Jacek Dudzik, President of the Management Board of Infinite.

Until now, Infinite was part of the Emperia Holding Capital Group belonging to the Maxima Group. Acquiring an investor with many years of experience also in the technology industry will be affected by the further development of Paperless solutions, which are the company's main activity. In the era of digitization and automation of business processes, these solutions are a good proposition for companies which have benefits from eliminating paper documents.
Infinite was established in 2002 and has won the leading position in electronic document interchange. We offer Infinite Paperless Suite - a comprehensive set of IT solutions that eliminates paper in business communication between partners. The company systematically strengthens its position as the B2B systems provider on numerous international markets. IT solutions have been deployed by 3000 customers in 31 countries ie.: UAE, Poland, Romania, Hungary, Croatia and Spain.
Anna Odzimek - anna.odzimek@infinite.pl | Dział Marketingu

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For more information, please contact:
Anna Odzimek
Specjalista ds. marketingu