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Woni Spotts was confirmed as the first recorded black woman to travel to every sovereign country and every continent.

Jessica Nabongo(, theCMIYC, and will not be the first black woman to travel to every country.

Jessica Nabongo(, theCMIYC, and won’t be the first black woman to travel to every country but she seems to still be aggressively selling the idea to her loyal Instagram fans, tourism boards, media, and sponsors. Thecatchmeifyoucan crew has decided to continue on with the impossible pursuit of being first. Most unbiased media have corrected their “first” slogan but a few are still complicit in the deception. There are many online travel groups and media outlets being actively threatened for sharing Woni Spotts’ accomplishments. Thankfully, no amount of social media cyberbullying or media snubbing can suppress the truth.

The Tortoise and the Hare meets David and Goliath.
Jessica Nabongo made a strategic mistake by assuming that every extreme traveler posted online. In this distorted cyber world, sexy shots at mosques’, life-threatening poses, and smiling selfies at Auschwitz are acceptable behavior. It turns out that there was a woman moving in silence and exploring for her own personal reasons. There was no fanfare, no gofundme, no staged photography, no sponsors, no paid media stories, just a love of travel. September 2018, Woni Spotts was confirmed as the first recorded black woman to travel to every sovereign country, including every continent, and many territories.

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